This page will change from time to time so be sure to check back!! I always keep
my eye out for cool new photos, information, article resources, etc., etc. for YOU to use! Have fun!!
Alice B. Kehoe |
2010 AAA Annual Meeting |
PROBLEM AND A SERIOUS ISSUE WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF GRAVE RESULTS!!!!!!! I hope that got your attention. It is my feeling
that 99% of students who end up plagarising have truly made a mistake, either in knowledge or in judgement. I would like
to help YOU prevent the problem from ever even coming up. To that end, please go to the website for the Perdue University OWL to read some very good information on how to avoid plagarism in your writing. Remember, this is about YOU and your
academic future. You will be able to use this information in every class that requires writing. The site will even allow
you to download a copy as an Adobe document. GOOD LUCK AND WRITE YOUR ORIGINAL THOUGHTS!!!!


The Subject Looks Back!

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo |

Dr. Florence Babb, Dr.
Beard-Moose's dissertation advisor, in the field